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Dr Karen Terry Raza First An Entrepreneur Then A Philanthropist And Now A BEAUTY QUEEN WINNER

Dr  Karen Terry Raza First An Entrepreneur Then A Philanthropist And Now A  BEAUTY QUEEN WINNER

Dr. Karen Terry Raza has beaten all odds and silenced her critics by winning the most  prestigious Mrs Maharashtra – Empress of Maharashtra Winner-2021 award for Mrs Maharashtra – Mrs. Inspirational & Mrs. Maharashtra-Best Dressed Female.

Dr. Karen Terry Raza is a woman with an enthralled determination, utmost compassion,  valiant-spirited having persistence reaching to such an extent who just doesn’t know when to  give up!

The Journey towards winning the Most iconic & prestigious Title Mrs. Maharashtra – Empress of Maharashtra, 2021 (Season -5) held at the Hyaat, Pune recently among a total of  54 Divas competing for the Finale Event has been enthralling for Dr. Karen Terry Raza. “It  all starts with a belief” says Dr. Karen Terry Raza, “belief is the thing that draws the line  between the ones we see at night and the ones that are achieved! I am elated as I always had  the passion to be a Fashion Queen, not just for the fame that ensues but primarily to set an  example that nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams, that age and gender are not  barriers in order to be successful.”

The event was conducted by Mrs. Anjana Mascarenhas and Mr. Karl Mascarenhas, Directors of Diva Pageants. The jury included Mr. Vinay Aranha, Managing Director (Rosary  Foundation), Kashmera Shah (Bollywood Actress), Sonia Konjeti (Founder PULA), Vidya  Tiwari (Editor & food critic) and Shakti Kapoor.

Dr. Karen Terry Raza’s passion for the glamour & fashion world is coupled with her  philanthropy which includes doing charity work which has given her a lot of recognition and  rewards, personally as well as publically. She says that that Karma is indeed real, and you get  rewarded for your good deeds not only in the afterlife but in this world too.

“I am of the firm belief that one must never underestimate the value of good deeds because  the difference one can make in the lives of others by doing small acts of kindness can  phenomenally fill a dark moment with a ray of light called hope. Hence, I vehemently urge  people to step forward, reach out, and help. Reach out to someone that might need a lift.”

Having honorary doctorate in Humanitarian studies, she has been donned with the Title  “Ambassador of Peace”. Dr. Karen Terry Raza also boasts winning the award for taking care  of Mother Earth, the Most Prestigious World PHD CHAKRA AWARDS – Celebrating  Perseverance with Excellence, The Indian Achievers Club 99 Women Achievers of India  acclaim 2021.

Dr. Karen Terry Raza is also associated with the likes of Environment Minister Hon. Shri. Aditya Thackeray who supported her expedition for World book records biggest Tree  Plantation drive.


When asked about her future endeavours, Dr. Karen Terry Raza, with a confident grin on her  face said, “Winning this award has sown a seed of desire in me to pursue and never stop  winning. With full determination, I intend to set further benchmarks by winning the  International Pageant whilst continually putting smile across people by working towards their  welfare”.

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Anees Aijaz Bhat has a quist to epitomise the Beauty of Kashmir in One Frame

Anees Aijaz Bhat has a quist to epitomise the Beauty of Kashmir in One Frame

Exclusive  Chat With  Journalist  Raja Sarfaraz

Doozy is that in a heaven someone needs to capture its beauty including art, culture, heritage, nature and people with aesthetics, Anees Aijaz Bhat is a New Photography sensation self-made and technically sound to handle and play with lenses. In a Mission to promote local. The talent of Kashmir we found him so Incredible to know about his journey and had a Chat with him by Expert Raja Sarfaraz. He has not only captured Serenity and the splendid glamour of Kashmir but local talent also.

Tell Us About Yourself?

My name is Anees Aijaz Bhat, Known as Anees Bhat  I am from Kashmir currently studying Electronic media at Kashmir University

and working/managing my startup as Anees Bhat Captures Studio In Kashmir.

How you started playing with the lens?

From my childhood I loved taking portraits and landscape photos from my mobile phone, In 2016 this thing came into my mind to startup my studio in Kashmir for Fashion/Portfolio/Business, As we don’t have many resources in Kashmir except weddings and events photography. So I thought why not do it on our own, For professional portfolio’s/Business shoots or our music videos for which we normally preferred going outside. I always dreamt of setting something here in Kashmir which Allhamdulilah became possible. I do shoot now professional portfolios & Business shoots, Music video poster shoots, I am awarding people about this with the hashtag #PakhPhotoTulav and I want people to get to know about this in Kashmir itself.

Tell us to struggle behind the camera

It isn’t easy to set up business in Kashmir, as we all know how the situation here goes. I started up my business I requested some of my friends to come and shoot with me, alhamdulillah I got an unexpected response, but not everyone is still aware of this. I wanted people to know about fashion shoots or business shoots here in Kashmir itself because due to pandemics everything is going digital so there is no need to hire photographers from outside Kashmir we can make here itself by own.

What are your plans?

I plan to make fashion portfolio shoots common in Kashmir no need to go out for CV portfolios or Music videos or shoots. I want to direct my own Kashmiri artist’s music videos and work for everyone to help them in their own business to digitalise their things, I want everyone to know about what a fashion portfolio is. I want youth to understand the importance of this kind of studio in Kashmir.

Kashmir is a beautiful place to shoot do you feel lucky to be in Kashmir always and what are your fav destinations?

Yes, it’s an absolute good feeling to be a proud Kashmiri, Kashmir has one of its uniqueness that has no comparison in beauty, I feel proud here to shoot on beautiful locations which Kashmir itself have. I have already shot in many locations in Kashmir my favourite place to shoot is our dal lake and houseboats placed on banks of dal lake, I am in love with every place which Kashmir have because of this is Kashmir and it will not be found anywhere else around the globe.

How can a youth interested to be a photographer make his career in Kashmir?

It is not necessary to hire high-end equipment for starting up, when I started I had purchased and still have that second-hand camera and budgeted two lights.  Youth who are seriously passionate about photography should go into this profession. We have gained more here we have award-winning filmmakers here nowadays, as we are growing up and every one has  its unique way to capture things so there is no restriction on becoming a photographer in Kashmir

Who is your inspiration and tell us about the best part of your life so far and most struggling phase when and how so far?

I believe every new day is a new life and gives us new things to learn. I like the work of so many photographers like Rohan Shrestha, Dabbo Ratnani and Praveen Bhat.


Getting appreciation for your work is always the best thing in any profession which is a highly motivational part for me these days.


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Worldwide Records Will Soon Launch An OTT Platform With An International Partner

Worldwide Records Will Soon Launch An OTT Platform With An International Partner

Worldwide Records made an international partnership.

Worldwide Records, a company that has created so much buzz in the music industry, is going to do something new this year. The company is soon going to launch an OTT platform with an international partner. What will be the name of this OTT platform? It has not been disclosed yet.

But whatever the name may be, on this OTT platform, the audience is going to see a lot of entertainment. Worldwide Records has a good hold in regional languages ​​as well as the number of fans of the company is in millions. Worldwide Records Managing Director Ratnakar Kumar said that we are going to do an international collaboration soon, under which we will launch an OTT platform.

In which we will offer exclusive movies, songs and web series in regional language like Bhojpuri, Punjabi, Haryanvi, Marathi and Gujarati. The company has its own library of movies and songs, in which you will find every aspect of entertainment. The company continues to produce films and albums. And will continue to make good content films and songs.

Our new OTT platform will be launched soon and users using it will be able to access any exclusive content released by it.

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MR HAJI SAIF SHAIKH, VICE PRESIDENT OF MAHARASHTRA NAVNIRMAN SENA (MNS) says “We treat pets as our family member, so rest your pet in peace”

Mr. Haji Saif Shaikh, Vice-President of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) has taken the initiative to be the voice for the welfare of animals and demands for animal memorial service.

As the grievances continue, and problems faced by such pet owners in the city are not being resolved, he continues to voice public grievances and fight for this noble cause as every living being deserves certain decorum during their time of memorial service, Pet owners are upset with Municipal Corporation as they have made no provisions for pets even though the owners have been paying for their licenses, due to lack of facilities and total helplessness many throw their pets in creeks or bury them in waste lands or some even throw them in bins, the State Government should make sure that they at least have an appropriate and easily accessible memorial service for pets.

Similarly most animals die of age related issues or some illness, their systematic cremation will protect people from any kind of health hazards and the authorities must take appropriate steps in this direction and hence he raised public concerns before The State, Mumbai Mayor and Animal Husbandry Minister.

In total dismay if public grievances are not complied with Mr Haji Saif Shaikh will submit his and public concern to the Hon’ble Court through Advocate Suhail Shariff, Managing Partner Falcon Legal.

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Rajesh Srivastava Makes An Announcement To Spread The Education Donation Campaign In The Entire Country From Lucknow Press Club

Rajesh Srivastava Makes An Announcement To Spread The Education Donation Campaign In The Entire Country From Lucknow Press Club

राजेश श्रीवास्तव द्वारा लखनऊ प्रेस क्लब से शिक्षा दान अभियान को पूरे देश में प्रचार प्रसार करने की घोषणा हुई ।

शिक्षादान अभियान फेडरेशन  के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री राजेश श्रीवास्तव के लखनऊ आगमन पर राजेश श्रीवास्तव का लखनऊ हवाई अड्डा पर जोर दर स्वागत हुआ , श्रीवास्तव इन दिनों 3 तीन दिवस के उत्तर प्रदेश के दौरे पर हैं । लखनऊ प्रेस क्लब में उनकी प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस हुई , उन्होंने शिक्षा दान अभियान को पूरे देश में इसका प्रचार प्रसार करने की घोषणा की अक्टूबर 2019 में इस शिक्षा दान अभियान का शुभारभ श्री अन्ना हजारे के हाथो से शूभारंभ किया गया था । तब से ये अभियान लगातार काम कर रहा हैं ।

इस अभियान के लिए श्री राजेश श्रीवास्तव को वर्ल्ड ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स लंदन से सम्मानित किया गया हैं ।

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